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Joseph Leckie Academy

  • Leadership, Empathy, Community, Kindness, Integrity & Environment

Year 10 & 12 Essential Parental Information Form

In order for us to plan for your child’s safe return to school it is essential you complete this response by Monday 15TH JUNE 2020

Your child will not be able to return until you have completed this return and will be sent home.

We will send confirmation of the day and time your child should attend the Academy via the email provided on this return and your child’s email address and via text or call.

Please complete the form for each child you have in Year 10 and/or Year 12.

Student/Parent/Guardian Information:

You must NOT send your child into school if your child or any member of your household is unwell or showing any of the symptoms of COVID19. Follow government guidance on self-isolating by contacting 119 NHS Test and Trace Service to book a Covid test. Your child will be unable to return to school until they have undertaken a COVID19 test. You must advise the Academy of the test results. You should also contact your GP for additional advice and guidance.


Do you intend to send your child to school when we reopen?*
I have read & understood that my child will abide by the Student Protocol for COVID19?*

The Student Protocol is available on the COVID19 page.

Do you agree for us to send your child home on their own?*

Parents/Guardians will be contacted prior to any child being sent home from the Academy, for reasons such as behaviour or a child attending on the wrong day.

For Medical or First Aid reasons we would contact you to collect your child from the Academy.

Significant Risks/Student Safety:

Is your child classed as clinically Extremely Vulnerable?*

If your child is classed as clinically extremely vulnerable you should not send your child to school – see guidance on the website.

Is your child classed as clinically vulnerable (but not clinically extremely vulnerable)?*

If your child is classed clinically vulnerable (but not clinically extremely vulnerable), you should follow medical advice to decide if they should come back to school. See website for guidance and make contact with the Academy before sending your child.

Is your child self isolating?*
Does your child live in a household with someone who is shielding?*

If so they should not come back to school and should continue home learning.

Travel Arrangements

How will your child be travelling to school?*

*Government advisory for transport to schools is available on our website.

Remote Learning:

Does your child have access to a device for remote learning?*
Do you have any concerns/queries?*

Please note that fixed penalty fines for non-attendance will not be issued if you do not send your child into school at the present time during the Covid-19 pandemic (as per government guidelines).

By submitting this form you are agreeing that your child will abide by the student Protocols. This is important for both staff and student safety.

If you have difficulties completing this form on-line, contact the Academy on

or 01922 721071