Design Technology
GCSE Design Technology (AQA 8552)
All students will follow the AQA GCSE specification in Design Technology. They will begin the course in Year 9 and complete it over three years. The course will end with an examination in Year 11.
Product Design is a mixture of practical and theory based work which requires the application of knowledge and understanding regarding how to develop ideas, plan, produce products and evaluate them. Topics studied include;
- System designing (input, process and output)
- Material Properties including timbers, metals and polymers
- New & Emerging Technologies
- Energy Storage & Generation
The course allows students to develop many skills which will benefit them in pursuing future employment in areas such as architecture, designing, product design
This course is a GCSE qualification.
The course is designed to support and develop a full range of theoretical and practical skills used in everyday working environments.
Students will be assessed using grades 1-9, please see the assessment section for more information.
Course Content
- Specification No:8552
- The course is split into three key areas
- Cre technical principles
- Specialist technical principles
- Designing and making principles
- Core technical principles covers a range of materials, whilst specialist technical materials covers a specific material area in greater detail.
Unit 1 is a 2 hour written exam paper with a total of 100 marks which equates to 50% of the total GCSE qualification. 20 marks are based around multi choice. 30 marks are based around technical principles. 50 marks are awarded for extended responses including a 12 mark design question.
Unit 2 is a 35 hour non exam assessment based around a given task. Marks are awarded for Investigating, designing, making and analysing/evaluating.
The course offers progression to an A-Level in 3D Product Design and university or employment in a range of areas.