Joseph Leckie Academy wins ICHF School Fashion Design Competition for the Second Time

On Friday afternoon (15/03/2019) Sumaiya, Year 13, competed in the national 'ICHF School Fashion Design 2019 competition' which took place at the 'Sewing for pleasure/ Fashion & Embroidery' show at the NEC in Birmingham.
Sumaiya was awarded first place against 10 other finalists and 45 entries across the United Kingdom; Sumaiya was also the only entry and finalist from the West Midlands area. Sumaiya constructed this garment under the guidance and supervision of her teacher, Miss McKinley over the duration of 9 weeks in after school sessions. The design brief for this competition was to create a garment which encompassed: NYC's Met Gala Ball fashion, religious belief with design, sustainability and included the technique 'draping'. Sumaiya's innovative and creative garment was adorned by Year 11 student, Izabela upon the catwalk in which both students were fantastic ambassadors for the Academy. Sumaiya's win is the second, consecutive year in which a student from Joseph Leckie Academy has won this title; 2018 saw Year 10 student Tasnima place first amongst 10 other finalists. She has been awarded various prizes such as £75 worth of gift vouchers sponsored by SearchPress, £60 worth of IDC gift vouchers and other Vlieseline goodies.